Things I like, Monday-morning-procrastination edition

Lauren Conrad's (that's right) 30-minute workout. It might not look that impressive written out, but put it in action - and keep in mind you repeat this sequence three times - and it's pretty serious business. I did this yesterday and today I feel like someone beat me all over my body with a stick so, a) it's effective and b) I'm a really tough lady. Getting in bed before nine p.m., which I did on one occasion last week and am not ashamed about it in the slightest.

The coconut-scented shampoo I bought recently, which reminds me of places that are not Connecticut in the winter (as in minus the dirty snow piles and random ice storms, and plus palm trees and the need for sunscreen). I used to like the winter. I swear I did.

The West Wing. I don't know what exactly possessed me to start watching this television drama (which came out in 1999 by the way) except that I had a few discussions with people who were fans, had always heard it was a great show, and I love - love - politically-themed entertainment. So it seemed like a good bet. It totally lived up to the hype. Now well into the first season, I love this show more than I have loved a show in a long time. I also may or may not be in love with a few of the characters. And may or may not have openly wept at an episode I watched recently. I told you, I'm a sucker for political stuff...

The prospect of growing an indoor herb garden, which I'm planning on trying out soon (with guidance from the internet, obviously).