Commentaries for New England Public Radio

The Boothbay Register, During an unthinkable summer, Maine provided comfort

Motherwell, “Letting go of the baby things we don’t need”

The Hartford Courant:

The Boston Globe:

The Washington Post:

McSweeney's Internet Tendency, "An Open Letter to Beer Nerds"

Salon, “My motherhood martyr routine”



I write for the New Haven Independent, Seasons Magazines and CT Voice

For The Philadelphia Inquirer (available in archives)

  • Joy of seeing daughter do it her way 7.18.2013

  • For flying phobia, there is help 1.1.2012

  • A tiny traveler flies to Italy… 5.16.2010

Scary Mommy, “Coming To Grips With Our New Minivan”

Here's a little something I wrote about scientists

The Daily Nutmeg

My writing is featured on the Mom's Choice Awards Blog